Top 10 Lies Told at National Speakers Association

Larry Chiang boils down an MBA into chewable chunks of genius. Harvard Business School’s, Harbus, featured him in a cover story, What They Don’t Teach You At Stanford Business School“. He blogs at Business Week.

By Larry Chiang

A white lie is by definition… a lie. Speakers lie to each other to be polite but also to be self-promotional, self-deprecating and self-soothing (that’s me).

Here are the top ten lies that were told at the National Speaker Association’s annual convention in Phoenix.

-1- Harvard Business School just invited me to speak.

-2- I just ordered your book from Amazon

-3- I have never EVER cut and pasted your content

-4- Condoms in my laptop bag?! They’re from the Trojan sponsored giftbag after my MTV interview in NYC

-5- I am so going to order your session

-6- I have a Twitter account, I just can’t remember my username

-7- I am friends with Nido Qubein

-8- I am recommending you to speak to our local NSA chapter

-9- My phone is dead or else I’d totally give you my number

-10- I blogged about your book and am going to write a review on Amazon

Ok, I lied… There are fifteen. I told you ten because I didn’t think you’d click an article with 15 things

-11- I am going to wake up early for services on Sunday with Glenna Salsbury.

-12- I’ll totally visit you next time I’m in San Francisco

-13- We should collaborate on a book!

-14- What happens in Phoenix, stays in Phoenix.

-15- It is your turn. What lie(s) did you hear?! Post them in the comments.

Larry Chiang credit educates college students with his company, Duck9. He has testified before Congress and World Bank on credit.